Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The importance of communication

Right about now, I would suspect that there is a lot of burnout and frustration in ICC progression raiding teams.  There certainly is in mine.  People making simple mistakes are causing massive explosions of arguments, and fingers are getting pointed. People taking breaks, recruiting people well behind the curve, necessarily dropping standards; this is all leading to a slight backwards step in progression.

This is frustrating.

As people are generally frustrated, they take it out on each other.  Small arguments get blown out of proportion, and things start getting said to your face in not the most pleasant way.  I was a victim of this last week.

For some reason, people think I am unapproachable - this could be because I a) talk back and b) require evidence of theorycrafting and the math to back it up.  If a minor change is minor, don't expect me to toe the line if my personal preference is for something else.  If you are going to tell me "You are wrong, you should be doing this" I will question you, I will ask for proof, I will not just take it on your word that you are right. So, don't sidle up to me and subtly try to change my mind.  I don't take kindly to manipulation, mostly because I do a lot of manipulating myself and zomg icwotududther HAHA.

I am a unique and special snowflake as a holy paladin, and DON'T forget it.

For 4 years my healing style as a paladin was hybrid, as a GL, and healing leader, I was generally doing all the jobs and covering people's arses.  I was paranoid about mana usage (still am) and my goal was to have the lowest % overheal I could possibly manage and still beat the boss or have my healing assignment still standing.

Now, new guild has a new way of doing things.  Fine, I will try to fit in.  I ask questions in the healing channel and get radio silence in response.  I ask more questions, again nothing.  In the end, I give up asking questions.  I just keep the tanks alive in the method I have grown accustomed to - minimal mana usage, minimal overheal.  I am not in the "healer group" in the raid, I am not getting innervates or mana tides benefits, I have to tank heal and manage myself solo.  I am also not getting communication because all the healer communication was occurring in party chat in the "healer group".

OK, got that set up?

Now, fast forward to last week.  I had an inkling that there was resentment towards me, to the point that I was about ready to quit raiding.  I was sick of the snide half remarks and bollocks pointed at my healing style.  Not a single person would outright talk to me about anything.  It was all "why don't you..."s or "You should..." without a shred of evidence or reason as to why I should.  So, I would always counter with logical sound arguments: "I have to mana manage on my own, so I use flash a lot more...", "If I do that this will happen and that's bad" and so on and so forth.  No one countered my arguments to my satisfaction, no one convinced me with good reasons to change my style.  All I got were other classes QQing that I was flashing, to which my response was "Are tanks dying? No."

This all came to a head last week when the GL said "Can you please just use HL all the time on the tanks?"
Uh... Where did that come from?  Are tanks dying?
No, but people are complaining that you are using Flash too much.
So, why don't they tell me that?
Apparently they are?
No, not in so many words.
Can you just do it?
FINE! I will be an OOM meter whore for you then, but this is silly and a waste. 

I then proceeded to come in the first 1,2 of effective healing done on the meters, and ran dry early on in the fights.  I played dumb, not smart, and that shut people up.  It was ridiculous. 

After the raid, I was pulled aside for "a chat".  I was told that I needed to tank heal more.  I proceeded to tell the GL what happened from my pov, the issue wasn't that I was healing wrong, I was healing right with the complete lack of information I had about my healing team and given zero communication to me about what my role was and how I fitted into the team.  No one tells me, raid to raid, what people are doing in our healing team, who is healing tanks with me, what I am supposed to do in special circumstance fights (ie heroic saurfang) - because I am not in the healing group in raid.  Those guys all talk about that stuff within party chat, they bitch moan complain, work out healing strat all that stuff, each and every time forgetting that I am not psychic and have no idea that they have changed what they are doing.  I have to watch tanks die, or key assignments die, get blamed, then work out from looking at meters that people had changed their roles, and that I needed to adapt.

It was never a healing "fault" on my part, I could always do what they wanted me to do - it was a communications fail on their part, and to some extent mine for giving up on trying.  The last time I had a long chat with officers and healers, I completely changed my spec (to a style I didn't really like) to cover off short falls in our raid team!  I am not adverse to doing things differently, but you need to back it up, give me a good reason to be running myself dry, that blah has your back, tell me that blah is your go to person for innervates, and they will save them for you.  That you are tank healing with this person, to give you someone to bounce off when there are issues with tanks.  They finally explained how everything worked and where I fitted into that, I finally got through to them how alienated I always felt and the next raid, you know what?  I didn't have to try to be psychic, I was told what was happening, in the healing channel, and strangely enough everyone else noticed the difference.  I was no longer a mushroom, sitting in the corner of the healing channel in the dark second guessing what I had to do.

Half the reason I was miserable raiding was that I was an island, and I was in quarantine, no one talked to me.  It was quite demoralising.  I felt isolated and on the outer - all because I was the 6th healer, placed in the tank group and no one on my team talked to me about the important things, like being a team member.

This guild does not have specific "section leaders" and I tell you what, I am REALLY noticing that not having them makes for isolation within the raiding team.  I very strongly recommend that you have officers with jobs - section leaders - who make sure each section is looked after and communicated with.  It is so very, very important.  Talk to each other... now more than ever.  The thing that is going to get you through the frustration is communication and a feeling of belonging, because right now, progression is hard to come by.

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Shouldn't this be posted on your guild forums - ? (In a slightly different tone, of course...)
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Well, maybe, maybe not. The people that needed to hear that information got the message with a VERY long vent conversation. I am hoping that other people out there in the blogosphere who are running guilds learn something from my experience. I am still umming and ahing about putting something like this on the forums, with a more "Oi Healers! Chat in the damn chat channel!" approach, as opposed to an indepth analysis of a situation that was left to brew.

I am hoping that tonight is awesome... assuming the servers come back online in a timely manner >.<
PhantomBuddha's avatar

PhantomBuddha · 769 weeks ago

I find it pretty ironic that this post comes across as a public service announcement about how badly people need to communicate....but the biggest flaw in the situation is the posters lack of genuine communication skills.

I can tell you from years of experience that a "prove to me I'm wrong, on my terms and with my math" will never get you liked or encourage positive communication environments with your "teammates". It will get you ostracized, ignored, and flat out rejected.

My guess is the people you are surrounded by who are pushing back on your officers are simply unhappy with your interactions and standoffish attitude, which is hard to communicate to management(officers) and is being translated into straw man arguments for your perceived performance issues.

Something you can also consider, is that other parts of your healing team are overcompensating for their perception(true or false) of your shortcomings as a healer. This can be both in actions(healing harder) or in communications(complaining to management).

It's also worth mentioning that you indicated a "new guild". Frankly, if you are taking this kind of approach with a new guild...especially an established one that has some level of success using "their" are asking for what you got. I can tell you as a GM who has worked his arse off to integrate new people into a highly competitive and highly autonomous raid dude rowing against the current will RUIN the fun.

I do truly intend this as a secondary perspective for consideration, not as a flat-out flame/criticism of your situation. I've been enjoying your blog posts for some time and wish you the best in your continued raiding!
1 reply · active 769 weeks ago
I think you both hit and missed the point of my post.

The bit you hit: I was a problem, and why I was a problem (probably still am, I am pretty strong willed ;) )
The bit you missed: I tried to communicate early on and GAVE UP due to THEIR lack of communication in response

Here's a typical example of my situation. New boss - the healing group is chatting away in party chat about what to do and how to do it. I am in the tank group. I ask in the healer channel "so, whats the plan?" no one responds. I repeat that question, again no response. While all this is going on, the Raid leader is busy explaining the strat we will be using, so I cant ask my question in vent. By the time they are finished, they pretty much pull straight away, as people are complaining that we are taking too long. This leaves me to basically wing it.

Now, I could be completely wrong about what gets said in party chat for the examples I am thinking of, but the couple of times I have been IN the healing group (due to a lack of healers), that is exactly what it was like. Discussion of strat, who was doing what, etc etc. But the point is I have no idea, because no one ever discussed it with me, I made it up and the way I made it up didn't fit in with what they saw my role to be within that team. But no one told me that, no one took the time to ask, so why are you doing what you are doing? All I got was bitchiness in the vicinity of my direction, which I am going to ignore. Bitching is bitching, right?

No one explained how the team fitted together, that blah person is good at this so they will be doing that, that healer is doing this in that fight, so don't worry about blah. We need you to do blah because of blah.

There are only so many questions you can ask that are not answered before you give up and clam up. Even me, who is 100% aware of this stuff, clammed up and gave up. I can't imagine how someone else would react, how much faster, how much more extreme, to what was very effectively an alienating situation and then an intervention (the "chat" lasted well over an hour, and I was nigh on yelled at by about 4 or 5 people, most of whom had no position saying anything about the entire thing. I nearly rage quit on the spot, it was really quite horrible.)

In this piece I was trying to point out that (possibly poorly, I am far from perfect when it comes to this stuff myself), from a leadership team point of view, there are ways to avoid this situation, and the big one is communication. Pre-empt the problem and one way of doing that is by making sure an officer is in charge of each team and that their job is to keep that team running tickety boo. Earlier identification of the issue would have resulted in a happier, more effective team. Had I been eased in better, had I been identified as being out of the communication loop and managed, none of this would have happened.

You are aware of my circumstances with this "new" guild? (lol it has been over 5 months now, so it's not really new) I apologise now if you are aware, but just in case you are not, in January, I dissolved the 25man raiding guild I had been running since the start of TBC for a variety of reasons and have moved to being a raid member in another guild (essentially, the new guild subsumed the active raiding members of my guild). I, too, have worked my arse off to do exactly of what you speak, to create autonomous teams, but the thing with autonomous teams is that anyone new needs to be initially communicated with - explained how things work, included and trust built, both for them and the team. This step was completely missing in my integration into this guild.

I never doubted that "their" (which is actually "our") methods worked... clearly they did... but I had no idea what those methods WERE. All I had was mine, which didn't mesh and my only way fix it was ignored. This led to imbalances in their business as usual styles, which they resented, but I didn't even know was an issue.

So, in some senses, yes, I was asking for what I got, but I was asking for it much earlier on. I actually asked for it off my own bat but instead of the constructive conversation/explanation I wanted, I was smashed in the head with a cricket bat. Strangely enough, the latter is not particularly pleasant.

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