Monday, August 9, 2010
Voip culture
There are many ways that your voip service can affect your guild culture. You have complete control over this, believe it or not. Your voip service (either teamspeak or vent, generally. I don't know anyone that uses the in game voip client) is the place where your guild members really get to know each other, where friendships are made, tempers flare, fights and love affairs occur. It is where you all come together to raid, and often where people choose to hang out when gaming in other games to WoW as well.
As a guild leader, you can really influence the way your guild glues together with the way you set up your channels in vent (I am going to use the term vent l from now on, because it is the server I use. Feel free to substitute your server in wherever I use the term vent).
First of all, I would actively encourage everyone to be using some kind of vent in their guild. One of the real basics of good raiding is a good guild friendships, and one of the fastest ways to build friendships is by talking to one and other. Welcome new members into vent as soon as you can. But more on that later. First, the dos and don'ts of creating vent channels.
Keep channels to a minimum.
The more channels you have, the more fragmented groups of people can be. You want your team to coalesce as a whole, giving the team opportunity to segment into cliques is not necessarily something you want to encourage. That said, you probably want to have channels for different purposes: arena teams, 10man teams, battleground teams etc. Having multiple channels with a purpose is fine, because you are imposing a reason upon being in those channels.
Having social channels is also a very good idea. Letting people know there is a place to chill and chat is encouraging of team building. Jus be wary not to have too many social channels.
You will probably need an officers channel. Sometimes you need to deal with guild matters that are of a sensitive nature. For example, how trials are going, dealing with guild drama, setting up the raiding teams for the night. This should not be done in front of everyone in the guild unless you have a very special type of guild or you are fostering a very specific type of guild culture. Talking about sensitive guild topics brings me to...
Channel passwords
There are some very good reasons to password channels. The first one that comes to mind is simply the server password to stop non guild members coming into your vent server and grieving your guild. That one is a no brainer.
The next clear candidate is the officers' channel. Putting a password on this is probably a wise idea. The last thing you need while discussing a sensitive guild drama issue is the person you are talking about to come barging in and hearing what is going on. Why cause more trouble than is going on in the guild already?
It starts getting murky after this.
The next thing I would recommend is divining your vent space up into public and guild members only sections. In the public area, create sections for pugs run by your guild members, pvp, raids, anything. Personally, I had a policy that as long as a guild member was in the channel, they could bring anyone they liked in. This allowed guild members to spontaneously create pug raids, do pvp with friends in other guilds, that kind of thing.
In the guild members only section - password the root of the tree and make sure your guild members know it. Put your main raiding channels in there and keep onto of enforcing the guild members only rule.
I would never password channels as that creates segregation of the guild base. For example, never let guild members create channels and password them. What happens is that cliques form. Once cliques start forming they start excluding people within a team where you are trying to promote wholeness and harmony to create a solid team.
I can probably pinpoint exactly who and what caused the first fractures in the raiding team in my old guild. There was a member who actively promoted his 10mans and ran them in passworded channels that were not handed out to the guild. Those people then sat in these channels socially as well. The 25man team was then split into 3 groups - the officers and close friends, this group and the rest of us. Slowly, the rest of us are quitting as we are left out of the "good" groups for everything. Why would we stay when things are lonely and not fun? But I digress.
Phantoms and binds
Phantom is a function that allows people in other channels to eaves drop on conversations in channels they are not in. Binds are like push to talk keys that allow the user to transmit only to configured receivers. Allowing these two functions on your server again creates segregation in your team. The worst use I have seen of binds is within a raid group, during raids, people taking the piss out of other raid and someone accidentally didn't bind and the whole raid heard. The other bad example is the officers talking in binds, leaving the raid wondering what was going on with no direction. Binds are something I find to be worse than passworded channels, as they are user configurable and usable during times when you want people to be working together.
So, what does this all mean?
The tl;dr version of all this is that you, as the guild leader, have a lot of control over your guild culture in ways you perhaps don't even realize. You have control over HOW your guild interacts with each other. This is true for other mediums like web pages as well, but I will talk about that in another post. How you set up your vent server, how you let your guild members use it will directly affect how your guild morale progresses, and you had better be prepared for that and set your vent up in accordance with the way you want your guild to function! Better to be in your control than to inadvertently contribute to your guilds demise in these times of stress.
As a guild leader, you can really influence the way your guild glues together with the way you set up your channels in vent (I am going to use the term vent l from now on, because it is the server I use. Feel free to substitute your server in wherever I use the term vent).
First of all, I would actively encourage everyone to be using some kind of vent in their guild. One of the real basics of good raiding is a good guild friendships, and one of the fastest ways to build friendships is by talking to one and other. Welcome new members into vent as soon as you can. But more on that later. First, the dos and don'ts of creating vent channels.
Keep channels to a minimum.
The more channels you have, the more fragmented groups of people can be. You want your team to coalesce as a whole, giving the team opportunity to segment into cliques is not necessarily something you want to encourage. That said, you probably want to have channels for different purposes: arena teams, 10man teams, battleground teams etc. Having multiple channels with a purpose is fine, because you are imposing a reason upon being in those channels.
Having social channels is also a very good idea. Letting people know there is a place to chill and chat is encouraging of team building. Jus be wary not to have too many social channels.
You will probably need an officers channel. Sometimes you need to deal with guild matters that are of a sensitive nature. For example, how trials are going, dealing with guild drama, setting up the raiding teams for the night. This should not be done in front of everyone in the guild unless you have a very special type of guild or you are fostering a very specific type of guild culture. Talking about sensitive guild topics brings me to...
Channel passwords
There are some very good reasons to password channels. The first one that comes to mind is simply the server password to stop non guild members coming into your vent server and grieving your guild. That one is a no brainer.
The next clear candidate is the officers' channel. Putting a password on this is probably a wise idea. The last thing you need while discussing a sensitive guild drama issue is the person you are talking about to come barging in and hearing what is going on. Why cause more trouble than is going on in the guild already?
It starts getting murky after this.
The next thing I would recommend is divining your vent space up into public and guild members only sections. In the public area, create sections for pugs run by your guild members, pvp, raids, anything. Personally, I had a policy that as long as a guild member was in the channel, they could bring anyone they liked in. This allowed guild members to spontaneously create pug raids, do pvp with friends in other guilds, that kind of thing.
In the guild members only section - password the root of the tree and make sure your guild members know it. Put your main raiding channels in there and keep onto of enforcing the guild members only rule.
I would never password channels as that creates segregation of the guild base. For example, never let guild members create channels and password them. What happens is that cliques form. Once cliques start forming they start excluding people within a team where you are trying to promote wholeness and harmony to create a solid team.
I can probably pinpoint exactly who and what caused the first fractures in the raiding team in my old guild. There was a member who actively promoted his 10mans and ran them in passworded channels that were not handed out to the guild. Those people then sat in these channels socially as well. The 25man team was then split into 3 groups - the officers and close friends, this group and the rest of us. Slowly, the rest of us are quitting as we are left out of the "good" groups for everything. Why would we stay when things are lonely and not fun? But I digress.
Phantoms and binds
Phantom is a function that allows people in other channels to eaves drop on conversations in channels they are not in. Binds are like push to talk keys that allow the user to transmit only to configured receivers. Allowing these two functions on your server again creates segregation in your team. The worst use I have seen of binds is within a raid group, during raids, people taking the piss out of other raid and someone accidentally didn't bind and the whole raid heard. The other bad example is the officers talking in binds, leaving the raid wondering what was going on with no direction. Binds are something I find to be worse than passworded channels, as they are user configurable and usable during times when you want people to be working together.
So, what does this all mean?
The tl;dr version of all this is that you, as the guild leader, have a lot of control over your guild culture in ways you perhaps don't even realize. You have control over HOW your guild interacts with each other. This is true for other mediums like web pages as well, but I will talk about that in another post. How you set up your vent server, how you let your guild members use it will directly affect how your guild morale progresses, and you had better be prepared for that and set your vent up in accordance with the way you want your guild to function! Better to be in your control than to inadvertently contribute to your guilds demise in these times of stress.
Guild Leadering
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Comments by IntenseDebate
Voip culture
Guild Leadering|
ecclesiasticaldiscipline 8p · 758 weeks ago
- Binds. Yup, these can be used for snarky nasty reasons, but there are good reasons to use them as well. In one guild I had a set of binds with my Power Infusion target, so he could call out the best moment in his rotation to apply it, and I could confirm it was applied. There was no reason we should have clogged up vent with that information, and binds were the most efficient way to maximize that buff. I've also used them when I was new to a guild and being mentored as to my role and that guild's strategy in a particular fight - again no one else needed to hear that and it let us get strategy out of the way quietly while pulling trash to keep the raid moving forwards.
- Encouraging cliques versus encouraging socialization. In a social guild I like to spend at least some time daily hanging out in an open vent channel. The casual conversation can be fun. But what happens when that one guy who just rubs me the wrong way drops in? Or a couple people want to talk forever about Starcraft 2? Or a new healer wants to pick my brain about gearing and it would interrupt the flow of everyone else's conversation? Or maybe (and this is so true for me and a lot of more reclusive geeky people) it's just not relaxing to spend long periods of time in a big group of people. Sure, I could be completely antisocial and drop out of vent completely...but I could also spend my three hours farming/auctioning talking to a friend or two. None of those sound divisive to me, in fact they are building a better team by avoiding unneeded tension and drama, getting to know people you raid with in another context, helping another player, and being social with other team members in a way that doesn't drain me and burn me out respectively.
Oh, I totally see where these things can go wrong. And I'm the first person to admit that how you arrange your vent determines how people use it. And every guild is different. I think tons of passworded channels can be divisive as well - even an officer's channel probably just needs to be noted as such for your guild to respect that. Phantoms are a terrible thing, as they can cause a lot of drama with eavesdropping. So we agree on quite a bit. I just think you have to consider the ways you are limiting the possibilities of cliques and drama and balance it against the legitimate socialization options you are taking away.
Anyways, interesting post.
P.S. I really like your commenting system...*cough* except that the post below that was autolinked is definitely not mine. Not really sure how that happened... I am not correcting it on edit so you can see what happened.
My recent post Why you feel guilty afterwards
brangwen 48p · 758 weeks ago
My recent post Mementos
brangwen 48p · 758 weeks ago
With regards cliques/socialising, I didn't mean to imply that everyone should hang in one channel all the time - but knowing me, I probably did LOL!. Of course you should have enough channels that multiple conversations can happen at the same time, that groups can form and flow between easily. It is natural that groups will form. My point was more that the structure you put in place with your channels can encourage or discourage certain behaviours. There really is no right or wrong way to do this, of course. Just your guilds way, and hopefully this post will make people think about their vent structure a little and how it contributes to raider morale. It isn't something people immediately realise.
Dealing with people you don't like is a completely separate topic! Having that annoying guy you cant stand pop into channels all the time but have everyone run away form them? That creates a completely other issue that should be dealt with by the officers, not avoided by the members and enabled by a vent structure to continue what I would consider to be morale damaging behaviour.
But awesome comment, thank you :)
My recent post Mementos
brangwen 48p · 758 weeks ago
I will report the link fail to intensedebate and see what they say! :)
ecclesiasticaldiscipline 8p · 758 weeks ago
I've personally found that after dealing with a bad situation, sometimes we start stat thinking about preventing bad things from happening again, instead of taking a more balanced view or encouraging more positive interaction. For instance, you can write a post about "preventing negative cliques and drama in vent" or a post about "how to create a fun, social vent that encourages teamwork" - both of which are valid topics, but with very different emphasis. I know I've found myself doing that more than once.
Yeah, "that guy" was a problem. It wasn't everyone though, it was mostly a personal issue with me. I did ask the GM to moderate some of our issues, and after that he didn't say anything publicly negative about me. (He had been fairly abrasive in raids to me over loot and a variety of things, which was making me miserable and tense.) Sure, that didn't "fix" it and make everything happy go lucky, but it was what I wanted and requested as a solution. He could dislike me all he wanted, and say what he wanted to his friends, but I didn't want to be confronted with it constantly, particularly during raids. It wasn't ideal of course, but he was a key member who showed up on three or four alts for every single raid to fill vital spots - in fact leveled characters to fill them. I respected that a lot, even if I didn't like him. He did eventually fade out and leave the guild though....thankfully.
I agree that it's a *very* unspoken point. Many GMs really don't understand how they set up channels and permissions has a huge impact on how people socialize (or not). I wish people thought about it more.
Also, I really hate making an "I disagree with you post" the first time I comment on someone's blog for fear I'll come off wrong or someone will take it wrong. Thanks for listening and thinking about it. I really love debate and conversation.
My recent post Encounters- 25H Lord Marrowgar
brangwen 48p · 758 weeks ago
I may end up splitting the post in twain, positive and negative, or perhaps just 2 halves of a longer article. Geez! I haven't done this much thinking about structure in a very long time. (This is a good thing, BTW)
I wasn't aiming to pass judgment on how someone should set their vent up, but inform people of how it could impact guild culture so they could make an informed decision based on what they want their guild to be.
HA! A "disagree with you post" :) that wasn't really disagreeing per se, it was constructive criticism on how to improve the article, and I always welcome constructive criticism.